Legal Blog: Burnham & Gorokhov, PLLC

John Eastman Statement Upon Self-Surrender in Fulton County

I am here today to surrender to an indictment that should never have been brought.  It represents a crossing of the Rubicon for our country, implicating the fundamental First Amendment right to petition the government for redress of grievances.  As troubling, it targets attorneys for their zealous advocacy on behalf of their clients, something attorneys are ethically bound to provide

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Statement on Behalf of John Eastman Regarding United States v. Donald J. Trump Indictment

Almost fifteen years ago, John Eastman defense counsel Harvey Silverglate predicted in the book Three Felonies a Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent that the ever expanding federal criminal code was liable to be misused for improper political purposes. This prediction finds its fulfillment in the current administration’s use of heretofore obscure federal statutes to indict its leading political opponent

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Why you might not be able to file an Ex Parte Trial Brief in Your Washington DC federal criminal case

One common difficulty for defendants in criminal trials is fending off relevance objections from the government during cross-examination.  If a judge is not aware of all elements of the defense strategy, the judge may erroneously sustain these objections because he or she simply doesn’t understand where the questioning is going.  The point of the questions will be made clear in

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Statement on Behalf of Jeffrey Clark re: December 15 U.S. District Court Order Unsealing Search Warrant Privilege Rulings

The mantra of the Department of Justice has long been that the confidentiality of ongoing criminal investigations is sacrosanct.  Today we learn that the Department has inexplicably requested a federal judge to unseal proceedings, right on the eve of a heavily hyped January 6 Committee meeting on Monday and final report release on Wednesday of next week, where the proceedings are

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Statement Responding to Press Inquiries Regarding James Gordon Meek

Mr. Meek is unaware of what allegations anonymous sources are making about his possession of classified documents. If such documents exist, as claimed, this would be within the scope of Mr. Meek’s long career as an investigative journalist covering government wrongdoing. Press inquiries on this issue are troubling for a different reason: they appear to be based on statements from

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Statement in Response to October 3, 2022 Filing by January 6 Committee in Eastman v. Thompson, et al.

The purpose of what lawyers refer to as a “privilege log” is specifically to identify claims of privilege while avoiding disclosing the substance of client materials to the prying eyes of those who, like the January 6 committee, seek to undermine the attorney-client relationship.  Judge Carter found Dr. Eastman’s privilege logs perfectly adequate to dismiss a majority of the January

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